New Fire Station Bond Referendum on April 30

Thank you to all community residents who attended the March 11 proposed bond community information meeting to discuss the construction of a new fire house. Please plan to attend one of the following Main Station Open Houses:


Incorporated in 1960, the Thiells-Roseville Fire District has served the community for 63 years. Continuing to utilize the firehouse to effectively protect and serve the community is no longer a viable option. The existing firehouse has far surpassed its useful life expectancy and is no longer as safe or as functional as needed and does not comply with mandated building codes and safety protocols. Investing in costly repairs will not adequately address these issues, and many of the needed materials are no longer available.

Since 2018, the fire commissioners have been exploring all options to purchase new property to construct a new state-of-the-art fire station, while minimizing the impact to taxpayers. A suitable location has been identified, and the Thiells-Roseville Fire District would like to move forward, with community approval, to purchase the land and build the new firehouse. The current owners of the proposed property have given the fire district a limited time to finalize the sale before it will be returned to the open market at a substantially higher price than currently negotiated. To offset the cost to the homeowners, the fire station will use  700,000 from the fire district’s existing Building Capital Reserve Fund and $150,000 in available funds of the fire district. The future sale of the old firehouse will also be used to offset the cost.